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Tioopo Capital bets on European SMEs

Launched in 2021 by Lebanese nationals Cyril Aboujaoude and Shahan Sarkissian, as well as French national Grégoire Louisy, this private equity firm is investing in companies with “real know-how” in growing markets.

Cyril Aboujaoude, Grégoire Louisy and Shahan Sarkissian, you launched Tioopo Capital in early 2021 in France and expanded to the UK in 2022. What makes you different from the other private equity firms?

Above all, it has to do with our approach and choice of targets. We’re interested in a market that is relatively neglected, at least in Europe, by public or private equity firms, which mainly focus on start-ups or large companies.

For our part, we focus on family-run small and medium enterprises (SMEs) positioned in niche markets with real know-how. These enterprises must already be profitable but need counseling to guide and speed up their development. These companies are often up for sale due to succession problems — where children generally don’t want to take over.

In short, it’s about enabling them to scale up successfully, to acquire more market share. It’s neither about restructuring companies that are doing badly to prevent them from bankruptcy, nor about changing the company’s DNA.

Tioopo’s other particularity is more anecdotal. We are among the youngest founders of this type of firm in Europe.

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