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Latest News

11 oct. 2022

Tioopo Capital and SPE Capital acquire Oury Guye, a leading manufacturer of medical instruments in France.

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Tioopo Capital and SPE Capital acquire Oury Guye, a leading manufacturer of medical instruments in France.

3 mai 2022

Philippe Thomas joins Tioopo Capital Advisory Board.

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Philippe Thomas joins Tioopo Capital Advisory Board.

15 déc. 2021

Tioopo Capital Acquires Peter Jackson & Sons, a leading textile manufacturer for the pet industry in the UK.

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Tioopo Capital Acquires Peter Jackson & Sons, a leading textile manufacturer for the pet industry in the UK.

9 juil. 2021

Tioopo Capital announces the acquisition of Cuir du Vaudreuil (“CDV”), a top tier leather goods
manufacturer for the world's best luxury brands.

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Tioopo Capital announces the acquisition of Cuir du Vaudreuil (“CDV”), a top tier leather goods
manufacturer for the world's best luxury brands.
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